Atmedia Does Extend Its Portfolio by CANAL+ Action
As of 1st March, Atmedia sales house will introduce the movie and series TV channel CANAL+ Action into its portfolio which will complement other thematic TV channels in the atmax, atadults and atchoice business packages. From the same date, the…
Atmedia Does Expand Its Portfolio of Thematic Channels by Spektrum Home
The Atmedia sales house is expanding its partnership with AMCNI CNE television group. As of 1st March 2023, it will commercially represent the lifestyle and entertainment TV channel Spektrum Home on the Czech market, which will complement other thematic TV…
Atmedia Increases TV Advertising Price by 15%
The Atmedia sales house which commercially represents 29 thematic TV channels on the Czech market, has published its next year’s business policy. Due to the high inflation rate and the excess demand for TV advertising, Atmedia raises its thematic TV…
Atmedia Does Stand Behind Ukraine and Frees Up Its Media Space in Favour of the Ukraine Support Campaign
With respect to the current developments and situation taking place in Ukraine, Atmedia sales house, which currently represents almost 30 thematic TV channels on our market, has come to a decision to free up some of their media inventory on…