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Just like in 2020 and 2021, ČT :D, Prima ZOOM and National Geographic have all again emerged at the top of the 2022 best-rated TV channels. Nevertheless, in comparison to previous years, their overall rating did actually witness a minor decline, as it’s being demonstrated by the third year of atmedia index survey research study, which is periodically carried out by Atmedia sales house, a representative of thematic TV channels.

“For the third time in a row, ČT:D has uphold its first place in the ranking of the best-rated TV channels on the Czech market. Prima ZOOM and National Geographic TV channels did also achieve a very similar rating, which again placed them in second and third place,” explains Pavel Müller, Head of Research & Marketing at Atmedia sales house, which represents almost 30 thematic TV channels on the Czech market. In like manner, as in the previous years – a total of five out of the ten top-rated positions were taken up by documentary channels. In addition to Prima Zoom and National Geographic, we may for example pinpoint the Discovery Channel or Animal Planet, which have both appeared in the top ten. HBO or ČT Sport do also belong to long-drawn well-rated TV channels.

An Overall Atmedia Index Has Declined

The top ten best-rated TV channels’ ranking has continuously stood quite stable with the same eight TV channels regularly taking its place every single year. At the same time though, it is appropriate to say that last year marked the individual TV channels achieving a slightly lower rating than in 2020 and 2021. “Last year, almost all of the encompassed TV channels reached a lower atmedia index than in the previous years. Last year’s average atmedia index of all TV channels is 61,6 points, which by 2,6 points less than in 2020,” declares Pavel Müller. However, he also draws attention to a positive trend, where the difference between the best and worst-rated TV channels does every year decrease. Last year’s resulting atmedia index of the best-rated ČT:D is 77,6 points while the other end of the spectrum reveals the score of 42,8. In contrast, last year’s difference was 50,9 points.

Some of the well-liked attributes that do repeatedly contribute to the overall atmedia index are the visual broadcast quality, the variety and scope of the programme offer and the quality of TV shows. “This particularly appliers to documentary, but also to children’s or movie channels. In other words, these are the ones to be most likely recommended by viewers to their friends,” says Pavel Müller. Some other studied attributes do include, for example, the visual identity or an overall TV channels’ perception.

In addition to the channels’ quality evaluation, atmedia index does also examine the supported viewers’ awareness. Quite unsurprisingly, the most well-known TV channels are Nova, Prima and ČT 1, closely followed by the other nationwide TV channels of these particular TV groups. “For all that, it is imperative to day that some of the other Pay-TV thematic channels with a long-term built brand do also achieve high brand awareness levels. For instance – HBO, National Geographic, or Disney Channel,” asserts Pavel Müller.

Atmedia Index: A Compass Pointing the Way to Higher Viewership

Atmedia did introduce the atmedia index in 2020 – essentially with an aim to offer its clients a comprehensible indicator of TV channels’ brand success on the Czech market. “Atmedia index is a compass leading the way to higher viewership results as well as higher TV advertising revenue,” explains Michaela Suráková, Atmedia’s Managing Director. “Subject to the evaluation of several qualitative attributes, we are aware of individual TV channels’ strengths and – on the contrary – we do also know where their potential for growth lies hidden. To give you an example, if a TV channel does reach a below-average rating in the variety and scope of its programme offer, it may reconsider investing in that particular area,” describes Michaela. At the same time, she also points our that the standardised atmedia index research does allow for monitoring the individual TV channels’ quality evaluation over time.

About the Survey Study

Atmedia index is an indicator of TV channels’ brand success and brings the quality evaluation results of a total of 64 TV channels – most of which do also take part in the official electronic audience measurement that does account for more than 95% of the total TV advertising revenue. Atmedia does carry out the survey research study twice a year, regularly surveying more than 4,000 respondents from the Czech National Panel, who do assess the individual TV channels based on 7 qualitative attributes. These incorporate, for example – programmes’ quality, scope and variety of programme offer, visual quality, or even friends’ endorsement. Data collection is completed by ResSOLUTION / Nielsen, using the CAWI method.

The 2022 survey study took place in two data collection waves – in the second and fourth quarter (May 9-18, 2022, October 4-16, 2022). Overall, survey did single out 4,086 respondents (online TV population aged 15-69, all aware of their primary TV reception type).

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