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Atmedia Index survey study of the second half of last year – regularly conducted by the media representative of thematic TV channels, Atmedia – did reveal that the Czech and Slovak markets for paid VOD services are not so significantly different from each other. “They both exhibit similar characteristics in terms of the number of users, as well as the share of the most used streaming services in the overall market,” explains Pavel Müller, Head of Research & Marketing at Atmedia.

While the Czech Republic saw at least one paid VOD service being used by a total of 40% of individuals aged 15–69 at least a couple of times a month in the second half of last year, the number was slightly lower in Slovakia at 38%. Specifically, this accounts for 2.6 million Czechs and 1.3 million Slovaks. Moreover, according to the Atmedia Index survey, both Czech and Slovak viewers do use multiple paid VOD services simultaneously. During the monitored period, each Czech and Slovak viewer used an average of two services at once. “However, not all users do actually pay for every single service that they use,” points out Pavel Müller, while adding, “Some users access certain streaming services through accounts shared with their acquaintances and friends. It is therefore not entirely true to say that all 2.6 million Czechs and 1.3 million Slovaks are being part of the paying users.”

Netflix, HBO Max, Voyo and Now Also Disney+

Netflix is by far the most widely used paid VOD service on both the Czech and Slovak markets. In the Czech Republic, over two-thirds of all paid VOD service users did subscribe to Netflix during the second half of last year, while in Slovakia, it was just under two-thirds of them. The second and third positions in the ranking of the most utilised paid VOD services were occupied by the same players on both of the markets – namely HBO Max and Voyo. Interestingly, the fourth spot is shared by Disney+, which entered the Czech and Slovak markets in June 2022.

According to Pavel Müller, it will be interesting to see if the ranking of the most used paid VOD services will change in any way due to the new streaming services entering the Czech and Slovak markets. In the Czech Republic, for example, the Prima TV Group launched its own VOD service in February of this year, and the new streaming service CANAL+ that launched in April this year does also aim to compete for viewers’ attention.

“The Czech and Slovak markets for paid VOD services are nowhere near as saturated as some of the foreign markets in Western or Northern Europe, where a much larger number of viewers do pay for streaming services’ subscription. That’s why the Czech and Slovak markets both see new players entering their waters,” states Pavel Müller. According to him, the individual players do face more challenges in saturated markets, which is why they adopt new strategies by offering their viewers some different subscription types, such as the full ad-free subscriptions as well as the cheaper subscriptions with advertisements.

Less Than 300 CZK per Month

Both Czech and Slovak markets’ similarities can also be observed in the amount that viewers spend on paid VOD services’ subscription. In the case of users who pay directly to their service providers, the average monthly expense in the Czech Republic during the second half of last year was 297 CZK, while in Slovakia, it was 12 €, which is equivalent to approximately 295 CZK. Netflix does remain to be the most expensive service in both markets by a significant margin. The prices for other paid VOD services such as HBO Max, Voyo, or Disney+ are lower and do not be significantly differ from each other.

About the Survey Study

The survey research study has been conducted for Atmedia – the media representative of thematic TV channels – by the research company ResSOLUTION / Nielsen using the CAWI method. The survey did single out 4,196 respondents (online population aged 15–69) from the Czech National Panel, and 3,031 respondents (online population aged 15–69) from the Slovak National Panel. The survey was carried out in two data collection waves during Q3 and Q4 of 2022 (Czech Republic: October 4th-16th, 2022; January 2nd -15th, 2023; Slovakia: October 14th-28th, 2022; January 2nd-17th, 2023).

Atmedia introduced the Atmedia Index study in mid-2021. It does provide the TV channels, media agencies, and other interested parties a comprehensive data, information, and insights into the three researched areas: (1) TV channels’ quality evaluation through their viewers’ eyes, (2) use of Pay-TV and Free TV, (3) use of paid Video-on-Demand (VOD) services.

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